The #1 Creator Economy and Web3 Newsletter in Africa

Welcome to the Creator Economy Insider newsletter!

Are you interested in staying on top of the latest trends and developments in the creator economy and NFTs? Look no further. As a subscriber to the Creator Economy Insider, you'll have access to exclusive insights and in-depth analysis on some of the most exciting web3 projects building in Africa and beyond.

Whether you're just getting started in the creator economy or are looking to take your existing efforts to the next level, the Creator Economy Insider is the perfect resource for you. Each week, you'll receive a curated selection of the most important news, insights, and analysis from across the creator economy and NFT space, delivered straight to your inbox.

Here's what you can expect from the Creator Economy Insider:

  • Up-to-date coverage of the latest trends and developments in the creator economy and NFTs

  • In-depth analysis of web3 projects building in Africa and beyond

  • Practical tips and strategies for building and growing your own creator business or brand

  • Thought-provoking insights and analysis on the future of the creator economy and NFTs

Don't miss out on all of this and more. Subscribe to the Creator Economy Insider today and stay on top of the latest trends and developments in the creator economy and NFTs.

Subscribe to The Creator Economy Insider

Get exclusive access to the latest trends and insights in the creator economy and NFTs with the Creator Economy Insider. Each week, you'll receive curated news, analysis, and practical tips to help you succeed in this rapidly-evolving space.


Hi! I'm Wisani, the Founder of Funti3r, a media-tech company helping creators and brands monetize their existing online audiences. I've been involved in the crypto, and NFT space for a little over 24 months now.